Fossil Free Research
Fossil Free Research is a campaign to end the toxic influence of fossil fuel money on climate change-related research in universities. It is coordinated by international student divestment and climate justice activists with the support of a wide range of academics, climate experts, and university members.
In March, 2022 Fossil Free Research published an Open Letter signed by over 500 academics saying universities must stop accepting funding from fossil fuel companies to conduct climate research.
Learn more here:
10/19/2022 Oil Money Undermines Academic Autonomy Inside Higher Ed
9/29/2022 Fossil-Fuel Money Is Warping Climate Research - Universities must require full funding disclosure. The Chronicle of Higher Education pdf version
2022 Brown University - Scholars at Brown for Climate Action - Report
8/16/2022 Kicking oil companies out of school, New York Times
​8/15/2022 Why Are Fossil Fuel Companies Funding Climate Change Research?, The Nation
2019 Harvard University - Harvard's Response to the Climate Crisis
the extractive legacy of the Ivy League
Stop Harvard Land Grabs Harvard’s $1 billion land investments are displacing communities and destroying the environment. Harvard must end their land grabs and pay reparations.
Reviewing the legacy of Harvey Firestone "[Princeton] must first investigate its historical links to the company. We cannot reach an educated and equitable decision until we know more fully how our institution profited from the Firestone plantation."