"Fossil Fuel Dissociation Process"
In May of 2021, Princeton announced partial divestment from tar sands and coal with no time line or process specified. This is the follow-up.
CPUC Meeting in person Monday September 20th, 2021
Frist Multipurpose Room
Key takeaways:
No acknowledgment of climate change and its effects in the US and around the world in the summer/fall of 2021
No mention of climate justice
Minimum one year process
Multiple faculty members on the new Faculty Panel receive or have received fossil fuel funding from BP and/or ExxonMobil
Possible that tar sands and coal will be judged to be acceptable
"Engagement" with fossil fuel companies is still considered a viable option
No students on the panel or the committee
No Divest Princeton members on the panel or the committee
No acknowledgement of Divest Princeton's role over the past 18 months
Faculty Panel on Dissociation Metrics, Principles and Standards
Anu Ramaswami, Chair
Jesse D. Jenkins Past and current links to the oil and gas industry
Stephen W. Pacala Past and current links to the oil and gas industry
Karla Ewalt, Secretary
Administrative Committee
Hilary A. Parker, Chair
Slides presented: