student endorsements through 2021

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Divesting from fossil fuels is an obvious way for Princeton to align its investments with the values it espouses. The time is now.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.D

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Not only are fossil fuels outdated and in need of replacement, but have also underperformed versus the market for the past decade. I cannot see how investing in a steadily declining market is a smart strategy for profits, something the university must care dearly about.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

The Divestment referendum is not only a good move in the right direction for Princeton, but a necessary one. With the environmental crisis facing the globe today, it is necessary that Princeton stays true to being “In the Nation’s Service” and actively takes steps to address this dilemma. As someone who does calling for Annual Giving, I see support for divestment from alumni, undergraduates, and graduates alike.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

As a Californian this is personal. Climate Change has and will continue to tear apart this nation if we don’t start taking this issue seriously. Princeton must divest from fossil fuels in order to preserve not only the reputation of Princeton but the stability of our nation, which we say we are in the service of.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

It is my firm belief that if Princeton does not begin to take steps towards divestment, it will be an incredible failure in its service to humanity. Not only is it an important step in order to fight climate change, but it is also a symbolic action that could result in other universities following us. Princeton must be a leader in environmental sustainability & without divestment, we never will be.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Divestment is a critical step towards a greener future. Some may call it a radical change, however, we are a capitalist nation, and divestment is a strong capitalist statement towards a greener future.

After witnessing firsthand the effects of climate change on glacial shrinkage in Bolivia, I realize that we in the U.S. typically do not recognize the existential threat that climate change poses. Divestment is a small step we can take to make a big impact! We need to take climate change seriously and act now, while we still can!

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

In an effort to uphold the notion of service to both the nation and humanity, the university’s discontinued investment in fossil fuels is a necessary first step. With the severity of climate change and its impact, working to help mitigate these negative effects via fossil fuel divestment is integral.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

The greatest leverage we have as Princeton students in the climate fight is the Princeton name and its $26 billion endowment. We must take action against the greatest crisis the world has ever seen and we need the members of the Board to use their enormous positions of power to listen to what we are asking of them. And we are optimistic that they will. We don’t have the luxury of believing that they won’t.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

As a university that claims to be in the service of humanity, it is hypocritical to support fossil fuel companies who actively hinder action against climate change and seek to profit off it.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

To ensure that the beauty of today is not lost to the eyes of the future

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

I strongly believe that divestment from fossil fuels is a necessary step towards combatting climate change and protecting our planet. It is shocking how little consideration there is for this issue, especially in the US. A step like this will hopefully also encourage other schools and businesses to follow suit.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

An institution as rich and as powerful as Princeton should lead the way on climate solutions without any “help” from bad actors in the fossil fuel industry. Divestment is the first step toward justice and a Princeton we can be proud of.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

As an institution bearing the motto “in our nation’s service” and prioritizing innovation, it is Princeton’s duty to divest from fossil fuels and take the next steps toward supporting cleaner energy sources. As Princetonians, we must take an active role in the betterment of our futures and hold Princeton to the same standard.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Climate change is no longer solely an environmental crisis, it’s a humanitarian crisis and the moral imperative of our time. Princeton’s continual involvement and legitimization of the fossil fuel industry is in direct conflict with the university’s motto “Princeton in the nation’s service and the service of humanity”. With fossil fuels presenting an existential threat to humanity, it is imperative that Princeton University divests its endowment as a first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Fossil fuel industries are not only directly contributing to the destruction of our planet, they also fund the private prison industry in the US. If you care about life and creating a just society, you must divest.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

It is simply immoral to have a vested financial interest in an industry putting our planet’s future in jeopardy. We can, and should, expect more from Princeton.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton cannot claim be in the service of humanity while simultaneously investing in and partnering with companies that are fueling the destruction of our planet. Other universities, such as the University of California schools, have divested and are doing fine with funding. Princeton, having the largest per student endowment of any university in the US, has no excuse not to divest.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

As the child of a climate scientist, I grew up knowing there is nothing more powerful than transitioning to renewable energy to avert the climate crisis. Princeton should divest from fossil fuels immediately to help realize this goal.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Divestment is the first step of many to solve the largest problem facing humanity now. As a leading institution it is Princeton's responsibility to set an example and begin to be a part of the solution, not the problem.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Without a shift to renewable, sustainable energy, climate change isn't going to stop. Fortunately, until real action is taken to end Princeton's ties to the fossil fuel industry and companies like Exxon Mobil, neither are we: the students, alumni, faculty and staff who will stop at nothing to get Princeton to divest from fossil fuels. Action is non-negotiable when it comes to climate change.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

If Princeton is truly committed to fostering equity and becoming an anti-racist institution, it must recognize the need to divest from fossil fuel industries. Princeton cannot claim to promote these initiatives without first recognizing the disproportionate devastating effects of climate change on BIPOC communities. There should be no debate; divestment is necessary for the future of our planet.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

I support divestment because a leading scientific institution such as Princeton has an obligation to abide by the solid scientific consensus around the terrible impact caused by fossil fuels. The continuing investment in fossil fuel companies while stating that investments are not political is scientific negationism, of the kind that is destroying millions of lives in the world today, and this cannot be the stance of a world-class research university.

I support Divestment because investment in fossil fuels is not a political statement but is instead a moral statement. It says that Princeton does not care about future generations & the lower income people all over this world who will have to deal with the immediate effects of climate change while the elite of the Ivy league will be sitting in their ivory tower. As a student & future Alumni of Princeton it disgusts me to know that my tuition is being used to fund the destruction of the planet

Activities from fossil fuel companies historically marginalize people of color and indigenous communities. As a university that advocates "in the nation's service and the service of humanity," Princeton ought to support underrepresented groups. Princeton relies on annual giving for donation funds, but in the same way, alums and students donate because we pride ourselves on the University's mission — including the desire to create a more climate-friendly world.

End Princeton's complicity in the climate crisis.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

I came to Princeton because I believed in its motto. I thought Princeton stood to fight against ignorance and darkness and better the world. So long as Princeton's finances remain inextricably tied to fossil fuels, I consider myself wrong.

An ongoing relationship with corporations that are large polluters and climate change deniers, such as Exxon, sends the clear message that Princeton does not care about our planet. As one of the most prominent and esteemed universities, Princeton has the duty of operating with integrity - taking dirty money fails that goal.

Princeton’s investment in fossil fuels directly clashes with its core mission of serving our nation and humanity. It is a slap in the face for students here who truly want to create a cleaner, more environmentally conscious future.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

A vote for divestment is a vote for our future. I'm voting YES to divest because I believe Princeton has the power and duty to lead the world toward sustainability now and for years to come. By divesting from fossil fuels Princeton will send a clear message - the right message - that we need to invest in a clean energy future to truly be in the Service of Humanity.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

To exist in the service of humanity while simultaneously partnering with corporations that exacerbate its downfall is simply paradoxical. We cannot exist as an institution working to better our planet while accepting or ignoring the organizations that actively work to hurt it.

Divestment sends a powerful message to the market, legislators and the public that it’s time for urgent action on climate.

I support divestment because conserving a healthy planet for the future depends on it. I support divestment because the fossil fuel industry is responsible for not only severe environmental degradation, but also pollution and destruction of indigenous lands as well as harm to indigenous people around the world. Princeton has a responsibility to discontinue its involvement in this legacy.

Climate action is dire and necessary.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton's innovation and research initiatives to promote sustainable development and clean energy must be accompanied by critical actions to induce change on a structural level –– the first step should be divesting from fossil fuels. If peer institutions and universities across the world can do it, so can we.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Divestment is a good financial move in the long run.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

To delay divestment is to support climate change. The time to divest was yesterday, so Princeton must act now.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

An institution that is meant to help students succeed should not be invested in our future's destruction. Climate change is not distant—it needs to be mitigated as much as possible right now. Princeton's first step should be to fully and completely divest from fossil fuels NOW.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

As a campus implementing sustainability into its infrastructure, it only makes sense for Princeton to join the vanguard of universities divesting from fossil fuels.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

parents & spouses

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.

Princeton should divest from fossil fuels as an urgent first step towards climate justice.