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Raise your voice in support of our campaign! Use these email templates to contact your friends, the Board of Trustees, President Eisgruber, and everyone else. Use our "Divestment Elevator Pitch" for additional material.

Ask your friends to support divestment by signing our open letter and endorsing our campaign.

Use and adapt our template below.

Dear __________,

I wanted to let you know that I just signed an open letter to President Eisgruber urging Princeton to
divest the $700 million it still has invested in private fossil fuel companies, which are amongst the worst emitters. Princeton also still accepts research funding from the oil and gas industry which is damaging its academic integrity.


I invite  you to visit the Divest Princeton website and consider signing the letter to Pres. Eisgruber. The university cares about what alumni think so this is a small way we can each have a voice in slowing global warming.


Many thanks for considering this!



Urge President Eisgruber to endorse full divestment and swift dissociation from fossil fuels.

Use and adapt our template below.


President Christopher Eisgruber



Dear President Eisgruber,

My name is __________. I am a member of the Class of __________ / a parent of a student / a Princeton faculty member / a Princeton staff member concerned about the state of our current climate crisis. 


I write in support of Divest Princeton, a coalition of concerned students, alumni, parents, faculty, and staff who have urged Princeton to divest and dissociate from the world's most harmful fossil fuel companies.


Although Princeton has taken steps to combat climate change, it must fully divest the &700 million it still has invested in private fossil fuel companies and make energy research independent from fossil fuel interested by dissociating from oil and gas companies. 

The future of Princeton's reputation—to say nothing of our planet—depends on it.

Thank you,


Tell the Board of Trustees (c/o the Resources Committee) to vote 'yea' on divestment.

Use and adapt our template below.


Princeton University Board of Trustees

c/o CPUC Resources Committee


Dear Board of Trustees,

My name is __________. I am a member of the Class of __________ / a parent of a student / a Princeton faculty member / a Princeton staff member concerned about the state of our current climate crisis. 


I write in support of Divest Princeton, a coalition of concerned students, alumni, parents, faculty, and staff who have urged Princeton to divest and dissociate from the world's most harmful fossil fuel companies. 

Although Princeton has taken steps to combat climate change, it must fully divest the &700 million it still has invested in private fossil fuel companies and make energy research independent from fossil fuel interested by dissociating from oil and gas companies. 

The future of Princeton's reputation—to say nothing of our planet—depends on you.

Thank you,


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